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The Kennet Federation

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Miss O’Niel is the senior mental health lead and has the strategic oversight of the approach to mental health and wellbeing across the schools.


If you are concerned about your child’s wellbeing, please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance with your concerns. A member of the SEND team will triage the concern and if appropriate the Emotional Literacy Support Assistant will work with your child on a one-to-one basis or as part of a group. This intervention will be reviewed and if not resolved, we will seek advice from the Mental Health Support Team, our Educational Psychologist or CAMHs. Depending on their advice, a referral to will be made to one of these services. 


School staff are not able to diagnose mental health conditions or perform mental health interventions. We work in collaboration with the Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs), CAMH, Educational Psychologists, and the Play therapist.